Welcome to the MBH blog and media room!

We’ve moved!!

Just so you don’t lose track or think I haven’t posted in over 2 weeks please follow me to our new MEXICO BOUTIQUE HOTELS BLOG address. Same blog, better zip code 😉

8 Responses to Welcome to the MBH blog and media room!

  1. John Youden says:

    Hi Sylvie,
    I think you should include some information about you as well, not just boutique hotels. Although its hotels that you are talking/discussing about, people are going to be wanting to know more about the blogger.

  2. mexicoboutiquehotels says:

    Agreed. I am working on that now, although there is information on both the ‘interviews with Sylvie Laitre’ page and the ‘What writers say’ page as well. I’ll put something more complete together this week. Thanks!

    • Lydia Gregory says:

      Maybe an “About Us” similar to MexicoPremiere.com? Short profiles with a pic for John, you, we have RocĂ­o’s… a couple of key positions, maybe even the reservations agents, so people can put faces to the people they speak with on the phone.

      You can put it under “About MBH”, perhaps called “Who We Are” or simply, “People”.

  3. MiKE says:

    A very good idea this blog, cause the mexican tourism really lacks e-visibility : on twitter, facebook or other social networks !

  4. mexicoboutiquehotels says:

    Thanks Mike. I just visited your own blog and have added you to the Blogs We Like section 😉 Great to have something in French.

    J’etais heureuse de voir qu’il y a un blog en français pour ce coin du MĂ©xique 😉 FĂ©licitations!

    A bientot,


  5. MiKE says:

    Il y a pas mal de ” franchoutes ” dans le coin [GDl, Pv, Ajijic, Chapala..] mais je crois ĂȘtre le seul dans un rayon de 40 km autour du pueblo magico de Tequila, et certainement le seul en tous cas qui travaille dans un domaine qui devrait vous intĂ©resser > Mon portofolio en ligne : http://motsandco.com/medias ! Je reviens justement de PV Ă  l’instant aprĂšs une dĂ©licieuse semaine (sous la pluie) !

  6. Susan Ayers says:

    Great website idea. We are always looking for more intimate hotels to recommend on our website mexicoaboomersguide.com. You can really feel the warmth of the Mexican people and their culture when you stay at a boutique hotel.

    • mexicoboutiquehotels says:

      Thanks Susan. We like to think that our collection is in fact an interesting alternative to mega-resorts and the road most travelled. Mostly our hotels—because of their passionate owners—are embedded with local culture, traditions, and true Mexican hospitality.

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